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So I go and buy 4 MORE bangle molds and this time I put them straight into my box of resin supplies because these suckers aren’t getting lost. The lid to the box is all caddywhompus because the 8 bangle molds I “lost” that are staring me in the face don’t fit with everything else in there…
Now I had been wanting to play with my resin for ages since I found new ways to color the stuff. You may or may not have seen a post I did on coloring resin with things you have around the house like acrylic paint and ink. It was pretty cool and things got crazy experimental. After learning these new ways I was desperate to make a couple of bracelets with my new-found totally awesome colors. Time to play!
To make your own dyed resin bangles you will need:
Mix up a small batch of resin and distribute into separate cups. Dude, I love these medicine cups for this stuff!
Layering the resin is pretty easy. Pour your first color…
and then layer. Allow to cure completely and remove from mold.
Moving on.
Feel free to experiment. Here I filled a mold with clear resin and then squeezed pink and orange and a little bit of red into the clar resin with a medicine eye dropper (I know, what is it with me and medical supplies?)
Moving the eye dropper around and at different depths in the resin created the interesting shapes you see. Allow to cure and remove from the mold.
Now you might notice that on one side the edges are jankity. To smooth out and finish off use light sandpaper under water (like a small bowl) so they can be worn.
What do you think? Because I am IN LOVE with them and keep dreaming up new color possibilities. And remember to check out how to color the resin with things from around the house for more info and if you want your resin to cure opaque, semi opaque or maybe you want to use something that you already have on hand.