Keep houseplants safely out of reach with this super simple DIY gold ring hanging planter on the cheap in 20 minutes or less!
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Keep houseplants safely out of reach with this super simple DIY gold ring hanging planter on the cheap in 20 minutes or less!

Keep houseplants safely out of reach with this super simple DIY gold ring hanging planter on the cheap in 20 minutes or less!

You might have heard I’m kind of turning into a plant lady these days. And since I’ve long been a cat lady I’ve found myself having to locate nontoxic houseplants that won’t make my kitties sick. There are a few plants that I really love but unfortunately they can make pets sick.  And even if it’s not toxic, just upsetting to the stomach, it still probably won’t work. Because my cat that will gnaw on anything green.

But then the other day I started wondering about hanging these plants. If I can keep them from hanging so low that the cats can get them they could be an option. Of course, I’ll have to keep up with any plant growth and keep toxic limbs and vines out of reach… But maybe this could work.

Keep houseplants safely out of reach with this super simple DIY gold ring hanging planter on the cheap in 20 minutes or less!

I’ve decided to try this out using, at first, a totally harmless fake plant.

For most I bet just keeping the plants up off of the ground would be enough but I’ve got a freaking crazy cat. Not crazy like mean or anything just crazy like, how did she get up there? A few years back lil sis got really sick and had a kidney removed and I was pretty sure she’d never be the same again. Finding her on top of the fridge yesterday makes me think she’s back, baby :)

But that also means a test run with my DIY gold ring hanging planter is a MUST. I found a decent enough looking fake plant from Michael’s and then snagged a few extra stems to ad to make it hang down. I figure if I can keep this sucker up and away from Marla for a few weeks, perhaps I’m safe to add plants to the mix that veer off of the non-toxic list.

In the end I decided that I didn’t want to spend a TON on this project. Because if it gets tossed in the giveaway pile it would just be a waste. And so I came up with a design that won’t break the bank. But, luckily, it will fit in really well with my newly budding decor scheme… gold ring planters, baby! And, it turns out, I JUST LOVE IT!

Keep houseplants safely out of reach with this super simple DIY gold ring hanging planter on the cheap in 20 minutes or less!

Supplies Needed to Make a Hanging Planter from Gold Rings

Supplies needed to make your own DIY gold ring hanging planter.

Apparently gold metal rings can be difficult to store in brick and mortar stores. I found craft stores online where I could purchase individually what I needed. Though I only needed 3 rings, I wound up purchasing this set of gold macrame metal rings from Amazon. I took the largest, 19 cm ring and one of the smaller 9 cm rings to make this DIY gold ring planter. And now I have some gold rings in my craft stash for future projects.

You can purchase a clay pot online, far less expensive to get one at some place like Walmart. You’ll need a pot with a lip or that is tapered so it will sit inside of the gold ring.

The tools for this project are minimal and hopefully items you already have in your toolbox. Needlenose pliers, also called long nose pliers, can also be found at Walmart and for less than $2.

Materials to Make a Larger Gold Ring Planter.

If you want to make a hanging ring planter other than the size we're making today, you'll need slightly different supplies.

If you want to make a hanging ring planter other than the size we’re making today, you’ll need slightly different supplies. For a 4″ pot you’ll need a 4″ gold ring, a 10″ pot a 10″ ring and so on. When selecting the 2 larger rings that are the most visible you’ll need something large enough that your planter can slip through them to be seated into the ring that holds the pot. For a 10″ flower pot I’d look for a pair of 14″ or 16″ rings.

Besides the size of the flower pot and the 3 rings, everything else including other materials and the directions are exactly the same.

How to Make a DIY Gold Ring Hanging Planter:

Cut 18" of gold floral wire from your paddle.

Cut 18″ of gold floral wire from your paddle using the snips on the innermost part of your needlenose pliers. Hold a 1-1.5 inch tail up against one of your larger metal rings.

Holding the tail of the wire in place, begin wrapping the wire around itself and the gold hoop.

Holding the tail of the wire in place, begin wrapping the wire around itself and the gold ring. Try to make this neat but don’t worry about perfection. Also be careful because the cut ends of the wire are sharp and can cut you.

Once you've wrapped approximately a quarter of an inch of the tail snip away the excess tail.

Once you’ve wrapped approximately a quarter of an inch of the tail snip away the excess tail. Don’t worry about cutting it perfectly close. You have enough length of wire that you can still wrap a few more times until the tail is completely covered. DO NOT CUT YOUR WIRE, LEAVE IT INTACT.

Place your smaller ring up against the wire wrap of your larger ring like seen above.

Place your smaller ring up against the wire wrap of your larger ring like seen above.

Begin wrapping the wire around the smaller hoop and back over the already wrapped section of the larger.

Begin wrapping the wire around the smaller ring and back over the already wrapped section of the larger.

Once you have wrapped the 2 hooks together between 0.5-0.75" run the remainder of the wire through the wrap, in between the 2 rings.

Once you have wrapped the 2 hooks together between 0.5-0.75″ run the remainder of the wire through the wrap, in between the 2 rings. Pull the wire as tightly as you can.

Nip the wire peeking out of the wrap as closely as possible with the snips portion of your pliers. Use the needlenose end to gently shove the sharp, cut tail into the wrap just enough so that it is no longer visible.

Nip the wire peeking out of the wrap as closely as possible with the snips portion of your pliers. Use the needlenose end to gently shove the sharp, cut tail into the wrap just enough so that it is no longer visible.

Side one is done!

Side one is done!

Take your final, large gold ring and place it alongside the smaller ring directly across from the first larger ring.

Take your final, large gold ring and place it alongside the smaller ring directly across from the first larger ring. You want the center of all 3 rings the align. Wrap it just the same as you did the first making best efforts to have the 2 joined sides look as similar as possible.

Preparing your gold ring planter for hanging.

There are 2 different ways that you can hang your ring planter.

Here’s the first.

Bring your larger rings together and bind them together with gold wire directly in the center of the smaller ring below.

Bring your larger rings together and bind them together with gold wire directly in the center of the smaller ring below.

Wrap the 2 large rings together the same as you created your other joins.

Finagle the wraps and 3 rings so that it forms a triangle. You should be able to put your pot inside and have it hold snug and level.

Finagle the wraps and 3 rings so that it forms a triangle. You should be able to put your pot inside and have it hold snug and level.

Run an S Hook onto the planter.

Run an S Hook onto the planter over your wrapped wire. Use your needlenose pliers to gently close up the S just enough that the planter doesn’t easy come away from it.

Run your chain through the other end of the S hook and gently close it shut with light pressure from your pliers.

Here’s the second way to finish your gold planter.

Remove 2 links from the chain you got with your brass chain plant hanger.

Remove 2 links from the chain you got with your brass chain plant hanger. To remove the links simply use your needlenose pliers to pry the links open and away from the chain.

Wrap the link around one of your large hoops and close back up around it.

Wrap the link around one of your large rings and close back up around it.

Repeat for the other side and bring the 2 large hoops up together.

Repeat for the other side and bring the 2 large rings up together.

Run your S Hook through the 2 links, squeezing the S hook with your pliers to securely close around the 2 chains.

Run your S Hook through the 2 links. Squeeze the S hook with your pliers to securely close around the 2 chains.

Run your chain through the other end of the S hook and gently close it shut with light pressure from your pliers.

Add a potted plant and this is some fabulous decor!

Keep houseplants safely out of reach with this super simple DIY gold ring hanging planter on the cheap in 20 minutes or less!

I think what I most like about this project is how quick it is. But maybe it’s how easy it is. Because in 20 minutes you can knock one of these gorgeous gold ring hanging planters and it looks gangbusters.

Ooh, and now I’m thinking… how gorgeous would this be with a solid black or solid white pot? It would really make that gold POP!

Gold Ring Hanging Plant Holder

Keep houseplants safely out of reach with this super simple DIY gold ring hanging planter on the cheap in 20 minutes or less!
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Keep houseplants safely out of reach with this super simple DIY gold ring hanging planter on the cheap in 20 minutes or less!
30 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes


  • Cut 18" of gold floral wire from your paddle. Holding the tail of the wire in place, begin wrapping the wire around itself and the gold hoop.
    Holding the tail of the wire in place, begin wrapping the wire around itself and the gold hoop.
  • Place your smaller ring up against the wire wrap of your larger ring.
    Place your smaller ring up against the wire wrap of your larger ring like seen above.
  • Begin wrapping the wire around the smaller hoop and back over the already wrapped section of the larger.
    Begin wrapping the wire around the smaller hoop and back over the already wrapped section of the larger.
  • Once you have wrapped the 2 hooks together between 0.5-0.75" run the remainder of the wire through the wrap, in between the 2 rings. Trim the excess wire and shove cut end inside of the wrap.
    Once you have wrapped the 2 hooks together between 0.5-0.75" run the remainder of the wire through the wrap, in between the 2 rings.
  • Take your final, large gold ring and place it alongside the smaller ring directly across from the first larger ring. Wrap together as you did the first, trim the excess wire and shove into the wrap.
    Take your final, large gold ring and place it alongside the smaller ring directly across from the first larger ring.
  • Bring your larger rings together and bind them together with gold wire directly in the center of the smaller ring below.
    Bring your larger rings together and bind them together with gold wire directly in the center of the smaller ring below.
  • Finagle the wraps and 3 rings so that it forms a triangle. You should be able to put your pot inside and have it hold snug and level.
    Finagle the wraps and 3 rings so that it forms a triangle. You should be able to put your pot inside and have it hold snug and level.
  • Run an S Hook onto the planter.
    Run an S Hook onto the planter.
  • Remove 2 links from a plant hanging chain. Wrap one link around one of your large rings. Close the link around that ring. Repeat for the other side and bring the 2 large hoops up together.
    Repeat for the other side and bring the 2 large hoops up together.
  • Run an S Hook through the 2 links on the rings, squeezing the S hook with your pliers to securely close around the 2 chains. Add potted plant to the smallest (horizontal) ring and hang.
    Run your S Hook through the 2 links, squeezing the S hook with your pliers to securely close around the 2 chains.

Keep houseplants safely out of reach with this super simple DIY gold ring hanging planter on the cheap in 20 minutes or less!