Going gluten free doesn't mean missing out on your favorite treats... Get this fabulous gluten free cherry pie recipe that will take you back!
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Have you been hankering for a really, really crust recipe to make an amazing gluten free cherry pie? Or even better, a cool dozen baby gluten free cherry pies? :) Because I can tell you that I HAVE.

I’ve been straight obsessed with cherry pie since I was a kid. My sister and I piled into the back of my grandparents’ pick up truck. They filled with these cool folding pillow chairs that turned into beds and lots and LOTS of pillows. It was cool :) The truck was covered with what my family called the “turtle shell”but I think most people call them campers. We drove over 2 days from Texas to California making a stop at Circus Circus in Las Vegas where I got one of those cool mini pianos that no doubt drove my family nuts as I dinged out “Twinkle, Twinkle”.

I fell  in love with cherry pie at a young age…

Though I was young, it was a really memorable trip. My Aunt Patty and Uncle Chuck had photos of themselves on risque magazine covers that I thought were real. In fact, through college I believed that they were actually on the covers of those magazines, until my mom finally told me otherwise :)

We also went to Disneyland which I thought was just okay and to Knott’s Berry Farm which I for some reason just LOVED.

Going gluten free doesn't mean missing out on your favorite treats... Get this fabulous gluten free cherry pie recipe that will take you back!

And then in the tradition of all of the ladies in my family, we went and picked fruit (cherries!) and I sat at the table and watched my Aunt Jean turn them into the most amazing cherry pie. To this day, I remember that particular cherry pie as the BEST EVER :)

I’ve MISSED cherry pie since going g free…

Since I’ve had to do the whole annoying gluten free thing, I have only had 1 store bought gluten free cherry pie. Giving it a label of “okay” is far too generous, I’m afraid. The pie had a soggy bottom which I KNOW Mary Berry would never approve of. The top had some huge crystals of sanding sugar that gave the pie a weird crunch and when trying to scrape them away, the top crust just sort of turned to a mush. To add insult to injury, I paid FOURTEEN BUCKS for this trainwreck.

But after having a store bought gluten free pecan pie that my parents and I took out in a single day for Thanksgiving (and another for Christmas) I realized that gluten free pie crust CAN be done right. And today I’m sharing an AMAZING gluten free pie crust recipe that is the perfect base for any pie. As for me, if it’s a fruit pie, it will ALWAYS be cherry :)

Going gluten free doesn't mean missing out on your favorite treats... Get this fabulous gluten free cherry pie recipe that will take you back!

Let’s bake up some adorably cute Gluten Free Cherry Pie Babies, y’all.

Gluten Free Cherry Pie Recipe

This recipe is ALL about the homemade gluten free pie crust. Substitute any canned or homemade pie filling for cherry if you wish.
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Servings: 12 Mini Pies
Prep Time: 7 hours 57 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 2 hours



  • In a large bowl combine flour, sugar and salt mixing until fully incorporated.
  • Add chilled cubes of butter to a food processor. Pour the flour mixture in as well and pulse until pea-sized dough balls form.
  • Transfer dough back to the large bowl and knead the dough adding 1 tablespoon at a time until the dough can form a loose ball.
  • Turn dough out onto a floured work surface and knead he dough until smooth. Separate dough into 2 (one slightly larger than the other) and roll into 2 separate dough balls. Flatten each dough ball into a disc. Wrap each separately in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least one hour though overnight is best.
  • Preheat oven to 425°.
  • Remove one disc of dough from the refrigerator and roll out on a lightly floured work surface to 1/4" thick. If dough is difficult to roll, allow to rest on the counter 10-15 minutes and soften up.
  • Using a round 3.5" cookie cutter cut out 12 circles and place into a muffin/cupcake tin, pushing the dough gently into each cavity.
  • Roll your second disc of dough to a 1/4" thickness and cut out 12 circles using a 2.5" round cookie cutter. Cut slits in the centers or remove some of the crust using a small, decorative cookie cutter (we used hearts for Valentine's Day!)
  • Fill each mini gluten free cherry pie with filling making sure to keep the edges of the dough clean.
  • Place the top 2.5" circle onto the filled pies and gently crimp down the dough to the edges to seal using your fingers or a fork.
  • Bake for 25 to 30 minutes in your preheated oven, or until the crust is golden brown. Allow to fully cool prior to removing from your pan and serving.


  • If you find your fork or cookie cutters stick when working with the dough, lightly flour them prior to use.
  • Remember, you can substitute any pie filling you wish!
Nutrition Facts
Gluten Free Cherry Pie Recipe
Amount Per Serving (1 pie)
Calories 139 Calories from Fat 69
% Daily Value*
Fat 7.7g12%
Saturated Fat 4.9g31%
Cholesterol 20mg7%
Sodium 208mg9%
Potassium 2mg0%
Carbohydrates 16.9g6%
Fiber 1g4%
Sugar 11.6g13%
Protein 0.3g1%
Calcium 23mg2%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
cherry pie | gluten free | gluten free cherry pie

Going gluten free doesn't mean missing out on your favorite treats... Get this fabulous gluten free cherry pie recipe that will take you back!