In less than 5 minutes you can a crystal gel air freshener for mere pennies in your favorite scent! See what garden supply we used...
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You are here: Home DIY / Cleaning / Crystal Gel Air Freshener Tutorial

Back in 2017 I had gotten a new kitten that, in the words of the lady I had adopted her from, had a “squiffy tummy”. Apparently this was another way of saying that she was a smelly gassy thing. It didn’t help that this kitten would crawl over everyone and everything eating things she had no place eating. Refried beans? This cat LOVED them.

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That little kitten is now my enormously fat cat named Maybe. She still goes where she shouldn’t and eats things she shouldn’t on the regular. But good news is these days she must have a cast iron stomach as she isn’t quite so funky. But it’s still nice to have a house that smells fresh and clean all of the time.

So I decided to bust my favorite fragrance oils and make a DIY crystal gel air freshener.

In less than 5 minutes you can a crystal gel air freshener for mere pennies in your favorite scent! See what garden supply we used...

And then I made 2 and now I’ve got 4 and they’re basically multiplying like rabbits :) The thing is they are SO EASY to make. The longest part of this whole process is waiting for the tap water to warm up. For real, not even playing.

And the other thing is once you already have the supplies each one of these air fresheners cost CENTS. Fresh scents for mere cents? Count me in, right?!?

Supplies Needed to Make a Crystal Gel Air Freshener:

In less than 5 minutes you can a crystal gel air freshener for mere pennies in your favorite scent! See what garden supply we used...

These Water Absorbing Polymer Crystals are available sold in the gardening section. Keep your eyes peeled for a good deal… I got my Miracle Grow brand crystals for less than $4 online.

In the past I’ve always used soap colorant mostly because I have it on hand and there’s only so much soap you can make, right? But this go around I decided to try out food coloring as a colorant and as long as you use the liquid and not the gel you can just raid your pantry and not have to buy something…

As far as lids go, you’ll want something with a cut out. Look on Amazon. I got a dozen for less than I could buy 2 at the craft store.

For jars, if you want to use glass mason jars that you already have on hand, that’s awesome. Since I have tile throughout the house and clumsy hands I recently purchased plastic mason jars from Michael’s. I’m not sure if the color lingering in the plastic for a long time will discolor the jars over time, but I think it’s best to assume it will. Don’t use plastic jars if you’re concerned about discoloration.

How to Make Your DIY Crystal Gel Air Freshener:

If using 16 ounce jars, add 1 teaspoon of polymer crystals and 14 ounces of warm water. If using 8 ounce jars, add 1/2 teaspoon of crystals and 7 ounces of warm water.

If using 16 ounce jars, add 1 teaspoon of polymer crystals and 14 ounces of warm water. If using 8 ounce jars, add 1/2 teaspoon of crystals and 7 ounces of warm water.

Add 10-30 drops of essential or fragrance oil to the water.

Add 10-30 drops of essential or fragrance oil to the water depending on the strength of the scent and how strong you want the crystal gel air freshener to be in the end.

Add 2-3 drops of liquid food coloring or liquid soap colorant.

Add 2-3 drops of liquid food coloring or liquid soap colorant.

Give the mixture a slight stir. After about 5 minutes you should notice that the top of the jar is filled with soft, squishy crystals.

Give the mixture a slight stir. After about 5 minutes you should notice that the top of the jar is filled with soft, squishy crystals.

Add a lid with cut outs and set someplace to smell amazing!

Add a lid with cut outs and set someplace to smell amazing!

Keep your Crystal Gel Air Freshener Fresh!

As time goes on you’ll notice that the crystals will shrink down in the mason jar as they dry out. Add more water as needed to keep the crystals hydrated. If you notice that the scent has become to faint, add 10-30 drops of fragrance or essential oil.

DIY Crystal Gel Air Freshener Tutorial

In less than 5 minutes you can a crystal gel air freshener for mere pennies in your favorite scent! See what garden supply we used...
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Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes


  • If using 16 ounce jars, add 1 teaspoon of polymer crystals and 14 ounces of warm water. If using 8 ounce jars, add 1/2 teaspoon of crystals and 7 ounces of warm water.
    In less than 5 minutes you can a crystal gel air freshener for mere pennies in your favorite scent! See what garden supply we used...
  • Add 10-30 drops of essential or fragrance oil to the water and 3 drops of colorant. Stir to incorporate.
    Add 2-3 drops of liquid food coloring or liquid soap colorant.
  • Allow the crystals 5 minutes to set up. Screw on a cut out mason jar lid.
    Add a lid with cut outs and set someplace to smell amazing!
  • Add water and scent as needed to your DIY crystal gel air fresheners .

In less than 5 minutes you can a crystal gel air freshener for mere pennies in your favorite scent! See what garden supply we used...

This post was originally published on January 25, 2017. It has been updated on September 27, 2020.