Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!
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You are here: Occasions / Spring / Easter / Cascarones – Confetti Filled Eggs for Easter

We moved to Oklahoma from Texas while I was still in elementary school and I really, really didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to leave my friends and my amazing bedroom I had just gotten in our new house but most of all I really didn’t want to leave my family. The first summer was a bit rough… my sister and I were the new kids and we went from having friends to run around and do things with to being stuck with my mom at home and nobody to call on to hang out with. That summer we got new roller skates, a swimming pool, a tetherball set which we all became stupidly competitive at and all sorts of things to try and keep us entertained. But before we moved, my grandmother taught me how to spell my new state by teaching me the song from the Oklahoma! Musical.

So, basically, every time I have ever spelled out Oklahoma in my entire life in my head it goes “O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A! O-kla-hooooooooo-MA!” Yep… to. this. day. I still do it. I know how to spell it. I’ve written it a million times. And every time I have spelled it out it has been with that song playing and spelling it out for me in the back of my mind :)

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

When we first moved there were things I missed terribly. Mostly my grandfather and that’s why I got to go to the counselor’s office to explain exactly why the new little girl was walking around school smelling like Old Spice. And it was because I missed him so much that I wore it every day to remember him until my mom bought me a little bottle of Chanel No. 5 at a store I am pretty sure was called “Perfumania”. <— (Thanks, readers… it has been pointed out to me that this is still a place!) And then I was the little girl that walked the halls with the very adult scent of Chanel No. 5 wafting behind her :) But then I got older and it was all CK One because either a man or a woman could wear it and it was so unisex and cool. And it all feels so goofy decades later!

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

But I’ve gotten off from the original reason I am even discussing my move as a kiddo – besides missing my family I also missed some of the traditions I had grown up with living in a part of Texas with a very large Hispanic-American community. I missed hearing Tejano music pouring out of the cars passing by and hearing people speaking Spanish, for that matter. I missed pan dulce and our neighbor Bella’s picadillo and homemade tortillas. I missed Cascarones.

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

What are Cascarones? They are hollowed out eggs that are filled with confetti that you break on top of the heads of your friends and family members. Or, as we often wound up doing in my family, throw them at each other hoping they will hit but more than likely just tossing them to break open on the ground :)

In Texas, it seems like you can find Cascarones EVERYWHERE. They’re at the grocery store and the big box store and there are all sorts of brands. In some towns, like Brownsville near the U.S./Mexico border, you can even purchase them on the side of the road. But in Oklahoma, at least back when I was a kid, Cascarones might as well not have existed.

I mean look at that up there… can you believe that amazing confetti-filled fun not existing anywhere?

Well, I most certainly couldn’t. So one of the very first posts I ever did on this blog was to make Cascarones and show you how to make them, too. That post was a LOOONG time ago. And so I got it in my head to purchase 3 dozen chicken eggs (not even playing) and make a whole flippin’ bunch of Cascarones and snap some newer, better pics than before. And maybe these fun little confetti filled Cascarones are getting to be popular enough that all over the country you can buy them, but why buy when you can DIY? Because, guys, this is a seriously FUN DIY. And if you’re going to be dyeing eggs with the kiddos, anyway? Why not fill those suckers up with confetti?

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

Let’s quit reminiscing and start making some Cascarones, Confetti Filled Easter eggs:

For this project you will need:

Not into reading? Check out our video tutorial!

Got the gist but still want the finer details? Read on:

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

For our eggs to be easily breakable we need to start with fresh eggs and you’d think that would be kind of obvious, but I HAVE been asked why you can’t use plastic eggs. It’s just because the fresh ones crack and the plastic ones, well, they don’t without a lot of effort. And since one of the most fun things to do with Cascarones is bust them over the heads of your friends and family members, we want ones that actually WILL bust open. Could you just imagine? Getting a goose egg on Easter because you got slammed in the head by a stuffed plastic Easter egg? Ooh, no!

We need to empty the insides out of our eggs and you can totally use the insides for whatever you might need eggs for. Omelets and scrambles are always on the table, so to speak, around here! We just need to be careful to NOT get any of the shells in our bowl if we’re going to use the eggs in it to eat.

Turn your egg so that the bottom (fatter end) is pointed toward you. Using a small metal spoon gently smack that spot right in the middle once or twice. Do you see a little crack? Using your finger or a paring knife, dig into that crack and pull the shell away until you get a small hole. It doesn’t have to be perfectly shaped. And if you get a small crack that tries to run up the side a little bit, no sweat… we’re breaking these suckers open at the end of the day, anyway, right?

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

After emptying out your egg rinse the inside until it is totally clean. At first, the water will come away kind of opaque and milky, but once it runs clear, it’s as clean as you’re going to get it. Be sure to give the outside a quick once over, too. Anything that dries on the outside will STICK. So if you have egg white on the outside and set it in a paper egg carton, guess what’s going to happen? It’s going to get stuck. There’s no need to use soap, just a water rinse is enough.

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

Next dye your eggs any way you please. You can even use a boxed dyeing set if you choose… or you can use my absolutely favorite Easter egg dyeing hack that I’ve been using for years…

Seriously… that image above is from a post from 2013! :)

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

Fill a mason jar 1/2 full with water. Add a splash of vinegar and then anywhere from 10-30 drops of food coloring, depending on how saturated you want your eggs to be in the end. Grab a metal whisk (I’ve tried plastic and silicone but they don’t work as well) and gently pry the wire bits apart and pop your egg inside with the hole we used to empty it facing the sky. Allow the metal to go back into place and then dunk your egg in the water. You might need to use your finger a bit, but push the egg into the water until it fills the inside. Your egg should start to sink. Stir the whisk/egg in the colored water for a few minutes until you’re happy with the color.

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

Pop those wire bits over like in the pic above and gently remove the egg grabbing by way of the hole in the bottom.

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

I’ve found the best way to dry my eggs without any weird marks from them sitting on their sides, or bottoms, or whatever is to allow them to dry as you see above. Take a block of styrofoam from a package in the mail, or from the craft store, and jam a bunch of chopsticks or wooden skewers into it at varying angles and heights. Place your eggs onto the sticks via the hole in the bottom and allow to dry.

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

Now… I’ve got a quick, but great tip for you. The longer you let your eggs dry out, the better they crack when it’s time to get down and dirty with the confetti. I like to take my block of Styrofoam and dyed eggs and place it someplace cat and dog safe, like inside of a closet, for a day or so. Both the insides that had been very wet for a while now and the freshly dyed exterior will dry out making the eggs far more brittle, which in this case, is a great thing.

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

Fill your egg about 2/3 to 3/4 full of confetti. You want enough confetti that you get a huge sprinkle when they are cracked, but you don’t want them so jam-packed full that they have a hard time breaking. Say hi to cat craft assistant Marla there overseeing my confetti filling efforts…

Okay… right quick we are going to have a little lesson in what NOT to put in your Cascarones. I said it BEFORE and I will say it AGAIN… though some websites say you can use glitter or tinsel any number of fancy things in Cascarones DO NOT DO THAT. Just use plain ol’ paper confetti, people. It’s gorgeous and it will be fun and nobody is going to the emergency room with a hunk of glitter lodged in their eyeball, because that sort of thing DOES HAPPEN. Using glitter would be so pretty! But it would also suck having to go to the hospital during the Easter fun and games, right? Right!

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

FYI, Marla was ALSO on clean-up duty, apparently! Do your cats do that? Scratch to cover up your crazy messes? Marla even huffs while she does it like, “stupid human messes, I have to do everything around here” :)

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

Cut a small piece of tissue paper that best matches your Cascarones.

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

If you’re a perfectionist, you can trim the paper into a circle a little bit larger than the hole at the bottom. You can also just smack the entire square you cut out and nobody will much notice because once you get to crackin’ you don’t really pay attention to anything but GETTIN’ INSTEAD OF BEING GOTTEN :)

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

Swirl a little trace of white glue around the bottom opening. You really only need a very slight amount as tissue paper is very, very thin.

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

Put your piece of paper on top of the hole, over the glue and smooth down as well as you can.

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

Apply another very small trace amount of glue around the edges of the tissue paper.

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

Use your finger to smooth the tissue paper down. Place bottom side up in your egg crate to dry.

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

Because these Cascarones eggs are a little brittle, it’s a good idea to store them back in the egg carton you originally got them in. You can hide them like a traditional Easter egg hunt, but once the eggs are found, look out because they are so much fun to crack over the head of your friends and family!

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

Now I do feel the need to remind you that Cascarones make a HUGE mess, but just remember, that’s also why they are HUGE fun!

Cascarones are so much fun for both kids and adults. Get the super easy tutorial to make these confetti filled eggs for Easter that everybody is going to just love making and breaking!

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