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Wall decorations always give a nice finish to a room. I like change and move them around the house quite often. I always keep an eye open to find news ideas. Clouds were on trend time ago…currently, I don’t know but I still love them. They are very cute to decorate a kid bedroom or a nursery. This rainbow cloud is made with wire, and you can use it two differents ways: as a wall decoration or as a mobile if you hang it from the ceiling.
To make this rainbow cloud you gonna need: wire, pliers, ribbons, scissors and a glue gun.
Cut a piece of wire and give it the cloud shape. To make it easier, you can draw a cloud on paper and follow your drawing to fold the wire.
When you finish the cloud shape, cut the extra wire length. Fold the two ends to make small hooks and attach them both. Press with the pliers to fix them together.
Now you can start making the drops. Cut small pieces of wire and fold them around a glue stick. Cut the extra length wire and press the ends together to make the drop shape. Make as much as you want.
The last thing to do is attach the drops with the cloud. You will need different ribbons colors. I went for rainbow colors, but it will also looks stunning using ombre colors!
Select the ribbons and arrange them the way you want to use.
Use a glue gun to fix the drop with the ribbon. For a better finish, fold the ribbon end on top of the drop.
Cut the ribbon at the desire length, fold it around the cloud and glue it. Try to position the drop at different length.
Take a piece of threat and attach it with a knot on the top of the cloud. You may have to move it a little to find the point where the cloud remains straight. Put a drop of glue to fix the tread on the cloud.
And done! You can hang it on the wall or use it as a mobile! It would be really cut for a nursery! If you liked this tutorial, you may want to have a look at this hummingbirds mobile.