This winter twinkle light display is so pretty! Make your own with bottle brushes, buffalo snow and a shadow box. Full tutorial!
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You are here: Occasions / Winter / Winter Twinkle Display Tutorial

I think I’m going through winter withdrawals. Since I hate the cold and I hate the ice that comes with an Oklahoma winter I figured I would LOVE living someplace that doesn’t really have either. But as I tooled around today when it was 72° (and people were wearing heavy coats to combat the drizzle) I realized that I kind of miss my face getting cold and red and running into the store to get away from the wind. I like sitting in my office with warm air blowing at my feet and a nice, white glow out the window from all of the snow where the birds stand out as their colorful feathers flit around on the white lawn.

I don’t know if it even has snowed back at my old house and I don’t look at the weather because when I look at anything for too long I get homesick. It’s not that I actually like the cold and don’t mind getting out in icy weather… it’s just that things are really different. For all of my life this isn’t the way winter has been. It’s normal here and it’s what everyone here knows winter to be but it isn’t normal for me. So I decided to make a little something that is winter-like and does have snow. It’s not an instant cure for homesickness but that will just take a bit of time. South Texas is my home now and I’m really happy because I have a good life here. I’ll get used to the weather and lack of seasons but I think I’m adjusting pretty well for having been a resident for only a few months :)

This winter twinkle light display is so pretty! Make your own with bottle brushes, buffalo snow and a shadow box. Full tutorial!

For this project you will need:

This winter twinkle light display is so pretty! Make your own with bottle brushes, buffalo snow and a shadow box. Full tutorial!

This is my shadowbox and it’s a biggin’ at 11×14 inches BUT it isn’t as big as my first box that, well, wasn’t meant to be. As such I have a cut file for the words “Merry & Bright” that I didn’t have room for but you can still have to use!

This winter twinkle light display is so pretty! Make your own with bottle brushes, buffalo snow and a shadow box. Full tutorial!

First thing’s first. Cut your pine trees that will accent the background of your shadowbox. There are lots of options in the trees cut file so that you can work with your space a little more easily. Also cut out a moon and stars if you wish.

This winter twinkle light display is so pretty! Make your own with bottle brushes, buffalo snow and a shadow box. Full tutorial!

Remove the back that comes with the frame and cut a piece of foam core board to replace it.

This winter twinkle light display is so pretty! Make your own with bottle brushes, buffalo snow and a shadow box. Full tutorial!

Using white air dry clay make the shape of snowy hills in the bottom of your box.

This winter twinkle light display is so pretty! Make your own with bottle brushes, buffalo snow and a shadow box. Full tutorial!

Dust with buffalo snow!

This winter twinkle light display is so pretty! Make your own with bottle brushes, buffalo snow and a shadow box. Full tutorial!

Pull your trees off of the bases they came on and trim the back side that will be against the backer board nice and flat starting about 1/3 down (leave the top as is).

Place your trees in the bottom of the box and finagle how you want them to go. Eyeball your blank spaces and…

This winter twinkle light display is so pretty! Make your own with bottle brushes, buffalo snow and a shadow box. Full tutorial!

…in those blank spaces add your cut out glitter trees and your moon.

This winter twinkle light display is so pretty! Make your own with bottle brushes, buffalo snow and a shadow box. Full tutorial!

Create holes in your board in the spaces around your moon and trees with a drill. To fix up raggedy holes use something smooth, like the end of a paint brush to push gently inside and smooth the edges out.

This winter twinkle light display is so pretty! Make your own with bottle brushes, buffalo snow and a shadow box. Full tutorial!

Push your lights into the holes and use duct tape to secure to the back side of your foam core board.

This winter twinkle light display is so pretty! Make your own with bottle brushes, buffalo snow and a shadow box. Full tutorial!

Fill in areas with stars if you like. They also cover up extra holes in case you can’t count. I apparently counted wrong by 2 twice! Oops!

This winter twinkle light display is so pretty! Make your own with bottle brushes, buffalo snow and a shadow box. Full tutorial!

Shove the back on and use tape to secure to the backside edges of your frame.

Let that baby glow and you’re done! As with all Christmas light projects, don’t leave unattended for safety reasons. Now this looks great still but it looks fab all twinkling up!

This winter twinkle light display is so pretty! Make your own with bottle brushes, buffalo snow and a shadow box. Full tutorial!

Now this looks great still but it looks fab all twinkling up! Aah, so lovely!

This winter twinkle light display is so pretty! Make your own with bottle brushes, buffalo snow and a shadow box. Full tutorial!

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  1. LOVE!! I have those lights. I saw them in the store and had to get them because I knew something amazing could be made with them. I LOVE your project!!

  2. Very cool. I haven’t seen the twinkle lights idea in a shadow box before. And I love the glitter trees.
    It’s a pleasure participating in the Silhouette Challenge with you.

  3. Wow! This is amazing Alison. I loved watching the video of your project in action.
    I also had a smile when I saw your unseen duct tape was keeping up with the winter and snow theme :)

  4. Oooooh this project is one of my favorite so far!!!! HOW COOL to put the lights in the back!!! Love everything about it!!!