How to Make Shaving Cream Easter Eggs for Your Most Colorful Holiday Yet This DIY tutorial is so easy, even your littlest ones can get in on the fun.
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You are here: Occasions / Spring / Easter / 15-Minute Shaving Cream Easter Eggs

It’s been a totally stressful few months and I’ve at the very beginning I found myself on the less happy end of the spectrum. In a nutshell, it’s been rough. But I’m super happy to say that once I got past the shock of it all, things have taken an impressive upswing…

You see, I’m terrible about change. I hate it, hate it, hate it. And maybe sometimes I allow myself to stick around in bad for me situations because I’m so scared of something WORSE. I used to have this job where I literally was poached from another company and when I come in for my first day wearing my fancy new blazer, I found they had set up a desk for me in the hall. In. The. Hall. Just like when I was a chatty little kid in class and got to sit away from my classmates so they could concentrate. Except now instead of being kept away from my peers, I was right smack dab in the flow of traffic for the whole office. I was irked, to say the least. But you see, I was kind of a spur of the moment hire and they weren’t prepared for a new employee. And as time went by and an actual office area became available for me, I didn’t want it. I was perfectly fine where I was. Sure people came by and distracted me from my work every few minutes on their way to the kitchen or the bathroom or the elevators, but darn if this little spot of the office had become my work home and I had no desire to leave. And so they let me sit there at my desk in the hall until my very last day working there :)

Would things have been better in a fancy new space? Well, I just don’t know because I was never brave enough to try. It seems that in my life most of the changes I have made have been when I had little choice. I moved in January because I had little choice. But now that I’m here I know that this is the right place for me to be. I’m closer to my parents and that’s an amazing thing because, with my mom out of town, I’m here to help out my dad who broke his elbow/arm a few weeks ago. If I’d been a 7-hour drive away, I would have made that drive to come to help out. But now that I’m just right here, I’m just helping out like I should and can. And that makes me super happy.

Yes, friends, despite the broken bones, things are in an upswing. I’m not in a situation where I’m expected to make anybody else happy or take care of them. Well, kind of :) But the dude HAS A BROKEN ELBOW :) But I’m in a place where I matter more than anybody else and that’s somewhere I don’t know if I’ve ever been. And that’s good because if I can’t take care of me, how am I supposed to take care of anybody else? Positivity breeds positivity. And the proof is in the pudding…

I’m so pleased that right now, life is really pretty flippin’ amazing. Why? Because I’m sharing MY FIRST CRAFT TUTORIAL FOR COUNTRYLIVING.COM. Am I yelling that? Heck, yes I am because this is just too cool!!! I even have my own author page over there! :) So head on over and check out my first post as a craft contributor over at Country Living! I’m sure you’re gonna love it!

15-Minute Marbled Shaving Cream Easter Eggs at Country Living

How to Make Shaving Cream Easter Eggs for Your Most Colorful Holiday Yet This DIY tutorial is so easy, even your littlest ones can get in on the fun.

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One Comment

  1. That was great! Thanks for the tutorial. After you have finished coloring your eggs, you can use the leftover shaving cream mixture as bath paint for the kids. They can write or draw on the walls and it cleans right up. My grandchildren really loved theirs!